C&L - traduction vers russe
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C&L - traduction vers russe

C. L. Gloger

(Cíntia e Lula) школа парусного спорта в Рио-де-Жанейро
(Cíntia e Lula) школа парусного спорта в Рио-де-Жанейро
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Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger

Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger (17 de setembro de 1803 – Berlim, 30 de dezembro de 1863) foi um zoólogo e ornitólogo alemão.

Gloger foi o primeiro pesquisador a reconhecer as diferenças estruturais entre andorinhas e andorinhões.

Ele criou a regra de Gloger, que institui que os pigmentos escuros aumentam nas raças de animais que vivem nas regiões quentes e úmidas. Publicando esta teoria no Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klima's (1833). Seus outros trabalhos incluem Gemeinnütziges Hand-und Hilfsbuch der Naturgeschichte (1841).

Exemples du corpus de texte pour C&L
1. The bench, comprising Justice A J Rohi and C L Aangarkar, issued the notice on a PIL filed by a city lawyer.
2. "The first thing I thought was c–l–e–v–i–s, and if I had been slow and cautious like I always am, I would have got it right," he said.
3. FULL SUBSTITUTES: Australia: C L White (replaced Martyn, ICC World XI innings, 16.0 overs). ICC World XI: Shahid Afridi (replaced M Muralitharan, Australia innings, 43.0 overs). Umpires: Alim Dar (Pakistan) and S J A Taufel (Australia).
4. A committee comprising –– C L Sachdeva, Surya Prakash Khatri and R S Rana –– has been constituted to inquire into the matter following the allegations levelled against fellow criminal lawyers in the expose, K K Manan, Chairman of Delhi Bar Council, told PTI.
5. He wiped away tears as he talked about his gaffe. The first thing I thought was c–l–e–v–i–s, and if I had been slow and cautious like I always am, I would have got it right,‘‘ he said. But I just outsmarted myself.